$61,750 awarded to the Class of 2016

View the awards PowerPoint presentation here!

Last Name First Name Scholarship Name Amount
Ahrens Kody David J Stickler Memorial $1,250
Amato Gino East Prospect Lions Citizenship Award $1,500
Andrews Sarah Prince Athletic Association $500
Bair Mason Prince Athletic Association $500
Barr Kierston Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post 7045 $2,000
Baylor Amanda Dorothy Moore-Stauffer $1,000
Bowers Megan Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Brumgard Emily Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Carberry Shane Chris Cordell Memorial $1,000
Crumling Kevin Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Dailey Brandon Charles M Swartz Memorial $1,000
Dellinger TJ Eastern York Dollars for Scholars $1,500
Deppen Rachel EY High School Faculty $1,500
Duraski Riley Loretta E "Grandma" Smith Memorial $1,000
Fletcher Kailee Eastern York Dollars for Scholars $1,500
Gladfelter Sydney Todd Hengst Memorial $1,500
Goodling Brianna EY Golden Knights Athletic Booster Club $1,500
Graham Alexis Merle Bell $1,500
Hake Allison Prince Athletic Association $500
Herbst Ryan Eastern York Dollars for Scholars $1,500
Hetter Cristopher Eastern York Dollars for Scholars Endowed $1,500
Kalke Ryan Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Keller Katie Leslie Krohn Memorial $1,500
Keller Tristyn Don Crowl Memorial $2,500
King Isaiah Eastern York Dollars for Scholars $1,500
LeCates Robert Doris Schwartz $4,000
Lowe Elijah Ken and Shirley Stoner $1,000
Manganello Ryan Richard E Townsley, Jr. Memorial $1,000
Mego Brittany Don Eckert $1,500
Miller Bryce Anna, Bennett and John Pearson $1,000
Moyer Ethan Prince Athletic Association $500
Pizzirusso Shannon John Buchart Memorial $2,000
Rankin Maya Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Rineholt Beth EY Performing Arts Booster Club $1,000
Rineholt Beth Jane M Hassinger Schader $500
Shimmel Colby Charles M Swartz Memorial $1,000
Shirk Stephanie Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post 7045 $2,000
Staub Samantha Dr. Michael Thew $1,500
Stigelman Arielle Eastern York Dollars for Scholars $1,500
Stover Kirston Dorothy Moore-Stauffer $1,000
Tassia Allysa Rotary Club of Eastern York County $1,500
Thomason Samantha Charles and Louise Sawmiller $1,500
Witman Evyn Anna, Bennett and John Pearson $1,000
Wooditch David Harvey and Winnifred Bradley Engineering $1,500
Zepp Gabrielle Martin W Konder Memorial - YCCF $1,500